Angelia Scott Dunbar hails from Conway, Arkansas, graduated from Conway High School and studied at South Central Career College and the University of Phoenix. She...
“Deshonta Holmes, Ed.D. is Vice President for Student Affairs for Tarrant County College. Previously she was Associate Vice President of Instruction – Efficacy at...
Terri O’Neal Ford, Ph.D. has served as Director of Campus Relations, Assistant to the President and Director of the office of Grants Development and...
Melanie Campbell is president/CEO of National Coalition on Black Civic Participation and convener of the Black Women’s Roundtable. A native of Mims, FL, Campbell...
Linda Griffin has served on the Garland Independent School District Board since January 1, 1998; celebrating 25 years. A graduate of Tennessee State University...
Ebony Thomas is a disciplined and positive professional with 20+ years of combined experience processing, closing, servicing, and the asset management of commercial real...