Melba Hill is an Economic Development Specialist at the DeSoto Economic Development Corporation (DEDC) in DeSoto, Texas. She is praised for being a dedicated...
Tonya Tatum is an Acquisition Team Lead at Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC. and worked at Saxon Mortgage. A graduate of Trimble Technical High...
Eunice Silverberg serves as the Executive Administrator managing the demands and daily operations for Upset the World, LLC. Eunice also serves as the business manager of...
Tamela Lee is the Vice President of Business Diversity & Development at DFW International Airport. She implemented the current business programs at the airport and...
Kaylan Dixon Smith is the Deputy General Counsel at Raise Your Hand Texas; where she has also served as Regional Advocacy Directory. Kaylan has also...
Marks is a commercial real estate professional, Vice President of Parrish Charitable Foundation and advisor for Parrish Properties. A graduate of Purdue University with...
Dr. Pamela Lear is the Chief of Staff and Racial Equity Officer for Dallas Independent School District. Pamela graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from...
Zenola Campbell is the Vice President of Concessions at DFW Airport. Previously she was a Marketing Director for McDonald’s Corporation and Director of Customer...
Dr. Monica G. Williams has enjoyed stints as a professor at Texas Southern University, associate VP for development at Prairie View A&M University, Director...