Absolutely Edible Cakes is the home of the Sweet Potato Thang. Nikita Jackson, better known as “Nikki J.” is the creator and owner of Absolutely Edible Cakes and Catering. AEC is located in Rowlett, Texas. AEC takes pride in creating cakes that will not only please your sense of sight, but your sense of taste. Visit the website and or stop by the bakery to get your sweet treat the famous Sweet Potato Thang.
https://absolutelyediblecakes.com/, Hours closed Sunday and Monday, Tue-Thu 11:00 am-5:00 pm, Friday 11:00 am-6:00 pm and Saturday 10:00 am-3:00 pm. 5213 Rowlett Rd. 972-463-9199.
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In this article:Absolutely Edible Cakes Catering, Black Business, featured, Nikita Jackson, Spotlight
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Texas Metro News