Shera Moffitt, MPA is the co-owner of II Wins Realty Group, LLC partnered with Titan Realty Group,LLC and brokered by eXp Realty. She graduated from...
Dr. Krystal Winn is a born servant leader who loves community and volunteering. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Media Studies...
As a content marketing associate, Julia Estelle Cotton provides writing, storytelling, content curation, and analytics to elevate the brand, success, and impact of Educate...
Kimberly Calton is a valued member of the Communities Foundation of Texas (CFT). As the talent acquisition manager for human resources, Kimberly manages recruitment...
Dr. Reo Pruiett hails from Tennessee, Reo holds a Bachelor of Science from Lane College and a doctorate in curriculum, instruction, and leadership from...
At Communities Foundation of Texas, Kenya Wilson is the Director for Educate Texas’ College and Career Readiness team where she provides technical assistance to...
Kymberlaine Banks is the senior business engagement officer for Communities Foundation of Texas. Kymberlaine graduated from Leadership Garland Class 41 and is chair of the...
Betty Guy is Louisiana’s finest! Born in Bayou Salle, she graduated from Southern University where she was named Miss Southern University and was initiated...