In June 2021, former Minneapolis police officer and convicted murderer Derek Chauvin was sentenced to 270 months in prison for killing Houston native George...
Debuting September 27th and directed by award-winning artist Ruben Carrazana, this work is a collaboration between North Texas young adults and professional artists exploring...
AUSTIN, Texas — Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa issued the following statement: “Greg Abbott, Ken Paxton, and Dan Patrick will stop at nothing...
By Marian Wright Edelman, Washington Informer As our nation experiences a political convention where a woman of color makes history, it’s another chance to...
By Lucius Gantt Americans love their gangsters. The United States is full of lawbreakers, hustlers, and criminal opportunists. Gangsters of European ancestry are recognized,... The line was long and the place was packed as many braved the Texas heat to show support for United States Representative Colin...