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Health & Fitness

10 Ways To Resist Tobacco Cravings

By Dominique Lambright


Cravings for tobacco may be exhausting, especially when attempting to stop. Here are some strategies to help you control your appetite and fight cravings.

Try Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Discuss nicotine replacement treatment with your doctor. The available choices are:

  • Nasal sprays and inhalers containing nicotine under medical supervision
  • You may purchase nicotine replacement therapies like patches, gum, and lozenges without a doctor’s prescription.
  • Non-nicotine prescription cessation aids include bupropion (Wellbutrin SR, Wellbutrin XL, and others) and varenicline.

Nicotine gum, lozenges, nasal sprays, and inhalers are all short-acting nicotine replacement treatments that may help you beat your cravings. When combined with long-acting nicotine patches or one of the non-nicotine stop-smoking medications, these shorter-acting treatments are often safe to use.

Recently, there has been a great deal of curiosity about using electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) as an alternative to tobacco cigarettes. E-cigarettes, however, are not either safer or more successful than nicotine replacement drugs in assisting smokers in quitting.


Avoid Triggers

Don’t put yourself in a position to start smoking again. You may have the highest cigarette cravings in the settings where you previously indulged in tobacco use, such as during social gatherings, when experiencing stress, or while drinking coffee.

Recognize what causes you to want to smoke, and make preparations to deal with such situations healthily. To help you avoid the temptation to light up while on the phone, have a pen and paper on hand.


Tell yourself you have to wait 10 more minutes before you can give in to your cigarette need. You should use that time to engage in a productive diversion.

Attempt to visit a smoke-free public area. You may be able to get over your need for tobacco with the help of these easy strategies.

Chew On It

Avoid giving in to your cigarette cravings by keeping your lips occupied. Enjoy some sugar-free gum or hard candy. Or, if you’re craving something crisp and flavorful, try some raw carrots, almonds, or sunflower seeds.


Don’t Have ‘Just One’

To fulfill a demand for tobacco, you may be tempted to smoke only one cigarette. Having one tends to encourage the acquisition of other ones. And it’s possible you’ll start smoking again. However, you shouldn’t delude yourself into believing that this is the end goal.

Get Physical

Exercise may take your mind off cigarettes long enough to help you overcome your nicotine addiction. A quick burst of physical activity, such as racing up and down the stairs, might help you forget your cigarette urge. Indulge in some outdoor exercise.

Squats, deep knee bends, pushups, jogging in place, and stair climbing are all great exercises that can be done at home or at the workplace. Do something more spiritual, creative, or contemplative, like praying, stitching, working wood, or keeping a diary if you don’t enjoy working out. Or, if you need something to take your mind off things, you may clean or organize your files.

Try Relaxation Techniques

Maybe you smoked as a means to relieve pressure on your nerves. Tobacco withdrawal is unpleasant, but so is resisting the urge to smoke. Try deep breathing, muscular relaxation, yoga, visualizing, massaging, or listening to peaceful music to help alleviate some of the pressure you’re under.

Call For Reinforcements

If you’re having trouble fighting off tobacco cravings on your own, it might help to talk to a loved one, friend, or support group member. Talk things out over the phone, take a stroll, have some fun, or get together to provide each other moral support. Counseling is another option.


Go Online For Support

Take advice from those who have already conquered their cigarette addiction. Participate in an electronic cessation program. Or, you might check out a blog written by someone who has successfully kicked the habit and provide words of encouragement to others who are also trying to kick the habit.

Remind Yourself Of The Benefits

Explain to yourself or out loud why you want to quit smoking. Some of these possible causes are:

  • In a positive mindset
  • Progressing toward better health
  • Protecting your loved ones from passive smoking
  • For the sake of financial stability

Remember that doing anything is better than doing nothing in the fight against cigarette usage. You get closer to quitting tobacco when you successfully curb a cigarette need.

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