As a result of his relentless love for his son, coupled with the power of God, Pastor Louis Harrell Sr., a former Colonel in the US Army and a Superintendent in The Church of God in Christ, established The Men of Nehemiah in the city of New Orleans, La. in 1994. As a participant in the Discipleship program his father founded, Louis, Jr. was eventually set free. In February 2010, under Roger’s leadership and direction, Louis Harrell Jr. and a core team of God inspired individuals followed the call to execute The Men of Nehemiah in South Dallas. Men of Nehemiah offers an evidence-based treatment program for men who are ready to claim back their lives from addiction. Check out the website to fine a program for yourself or a love one.
https://www.menofnehemiah.org/ Call 214-421-6705, 2010 Al Lipscomb Way, Dallas, Texas 75215, or email: admissions@themenofnehemiah.org