By Valder Beebe

My featurted guest in the Valder Beebe Show studios is Trae Bodge, an accomplished lifestyle journalist and TV commentator who specializes in smart shopping. Trae was in the studio to share Product of the Year, the world’s largest consumer-voted award for product innovation that has changed the game of shopping by awarding brand recognition to the products that deserve it. Backed by the votes of 40,000 consumers and the familiar red logo, shoppers can cut through the cluttered store shelves and purchase the best products for their family in store or on line. We revealed the 2021 Product of the Year Award winners and share tips on how to bring home these top-rated and most innovative products of 2021.
Trae, an expert of personal finance, parenting, and retail, has appeared on Good Morning America’s GMA3, NBC Nightly News, Inside Edition, The Valder Beebe Show, CNBC, and network affiliates nationwide. She has been named a Top Voice in Retail by LinkedIn and a top personal finance expert by GoBankingRates and FlexJobs. She is a regular contributor at Marketwatch, MSN, Grow by Acorns / CNBC, and Millie Magazine for Synchrony, and her writing and expert commentary have appeared in Forbes,, Kiplinger, Yahoo Finance, and numerous others. Trae Bodge publicists provided text in conjunction with the Valder Beebe Show
VBS: Trae, thanks for being here. Are you ready to announce the products of the year? Also give a little back story on the products of year selection process.
TB: Being a product of the year is so important because it helps consumer’s cuts through to the latest and greatest products in the market place.
VBS: How is the ranking done?
TB: The survey is conducted by Pantar (a global leader in research) and 40,000 consumers get to voice their opinions about products that you and I will buy in the market place. I have five winners here in the studio today. You can find the other forty winners on-line at
VBS: Give my audience a peek at the products of the year 2021.
TB: 3M has the incredible product, it’s simply a picture hanger that can hold an incredible amount of weight. I call it gravity defying. Great for heavy frames and heavy mirrors, it’s easy to install and use. For dishes Dawn power dish wash solution; a really great healthy breakfast option winners comes from Aldi. A really innovative product is the Hum by Colgate, a really smart electric tooth brush with blue tooth capability.
VBS: Do they get an award for being product of the year?
TB: Yes, know to look for the red seal of approval it is indicating………
Trae Bodge complete interview……; more interviews: Broadcasting to a national & global audience: ; KKVI FM Radio, KRER FM, 411RadioNetwork, Streaming TV, Social Media, Print Publications I MESSENGER, Texas Metro News, and Garland Journal News.