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The Fall of America!!!!!

By: Faheem Sabree Rasool
The Atlanta Voice

My dear beloved Brothers and Sisters of Deen Al-Fitraa I greet you in the greetings of peace: As-Salaam Alaikum:

On November 8, 2024, Democracy as we know it came to an end when the voting for the President of these United States of America ended with the Republican (Fascist) Party winning the campaign from the Democrats and this country re-elected an adjudicated rapist and  as of January 10th,2025, a convicted 24 count felon to the seat of the Presidency of the United States of America. Their campaign used negative advertisements along with negative social media messages to plant fear into the hearts and minds of the American people. This society demonstrated that it was not ready to witness the first ever female president and leader of the free world. Racism in addition to misogyny played its hand in identifying this country female leadership. 

This has led us to a path backwards to the era of Jim Crow. The Republicans policy is best described in “Project 2025”, produced by the Heritage Foundation and “Campaign 47” named after President Donald J. Trump. This is reminiscent of the Ancient Roman and Persian Empires. Allah says in the Holy Quran: Sura 30, Ayat 1-5.


1. Alif Lam Mim.

2. The Roman Empire has been defeated.

3. In a land close by; But they (even) after (This) defeat of theirs will soon be victorious.

4. Within a few years, With Allah is the decision. In the past and in the future: On that day shall The Believers rejoice.

5. With the help of Allah, He helps whom He will, And He is Exalted in Might, Most Merciful.”


6. (It is) the promise of Allah Never does Allah depart from His promise: But most men understand not.

We are not to despair because this defeat occurred for the right-minded people who supported Democracy and moving forward, we must be vigilant and fear none but Allah and continue to support freedom, justice, and equality for right-minded people.

The Roman Empire lost most of its Asiatic territory and was hemmed in at all sides and the land close by was Palestine and Syria. The Pagan (Quraysh of Mecca was happy that Persia had defeated them for they did not want Al-Islam to gain strength in the land. They wanted the Persians to also defeat Al-Islam, but Allah prevailed This was the time that the Quraysh was defeated at Badr.

The Roman Empire stretched everywhere an conquered and enslaved many people fell because of the constant rejection of all Messengers/Prophets that Allah sent to them for guidance to follow. In America, the powers to be colonized other countries and confiscated land of the natives of this region and brought Africans to this land by enslavement. Allah warns that “Tumult and oppression is worse than slaughter, so, do not oppress one another.”

 The Republican agenda will continue to create laws that will favor the rich and influential people and discriminate on people of the emerging majority. This election has shown their allegiances to all Europeans in America and abroad their quest to stay in power and do not share the power with any other race other than their own. Some of their “Project 2025 “plans are: 1.  Replace 20-30 thousand federal employees with novice personnel that will not oppose him (President) as before. 2. Get rid of the federal agencies/cut the budgets from such as the Federal Drug Administration (FCC): 3. Federal Communications Corporation.4. The Civil Rights Division and the Department of Education and many others.


               What can be our solution as Muslims and Right-Minded people?

We must study our history in America and abroad and teach it to our young as our ancestors did with establishing “Freedom Schools” in our communities throughout America. Knowing who we are and where we’ve been as a people will remind us of our intellect, talent, and resilience. Also, it connects us with our creator and each other. We must continue to support all Islamic schools across the country, an example (W.D. Muhammad schools(high/elementary) and donate our resources in their development. We must support all Historical Black Colleges/universities (HBCU) in their mission to produce future professionals & leaders because of the changing regulations in agencies such as the FDA & CDC and USDA which may negatively impact the health and welfare of many people in our communities, we must be proactive. The Diversity and Inclusion Programs have been eliminated from cooperate America and educational institutions of European dominance from continued lawsuits and the incoming administration.

We must support our Black farmers by purchasing food from them. Allow them to sell their products at our places of worship and create farmers markets for all peoples to shop, especially our own. If you have space begin to grow your own food in a community/family garden even if you live in an apartment. When the food becomes too high to purchase from a major chain grocery store, we will be able to still survive insha’Allah. We also must begin to support Black & Muslim owned businesses that will keep revenue in our communities and create more jobs. This may also increase trust and a sense of family among us.

Get yourself and your family a passport and seek a safe alternative place to live if we must relocate if living in America becomes too risky and a threat. Allah made this earth spacious for us to move about. Allah did this for a reason. That reason is to save ourselves and do not continue to seek some other race of people to save us. The people who chose to follow Satan, let them fall with the racist Americans who chose falsehood in quest for power. Those who read this article, you must remove all images that attempt to portray the divine and know that no one can die for your sins. You must give an account for your own sins. That lie was taught to our ancestors to keep them oppressed by the European plantation owners. That day is over. They are our avowed enemy and an enemy to humankind.

In closing, Allah says in the Holy Quran Sura Rum 30, Ayat 43.


“So set your face towards the right religion before a day comes from Allah which cannot be adverted. That day they will be divided.”

Meaning, the righteous ones will be separated from the ones who chose to reject the truth and righteousness. May Allah Bless each and everyone with peace and tranquility. Ameen.

As Salaam Alaikum

NOTE: Brother Faheem Sabree Rasool, Dawah in America, retired educator in Engineering Technology. The views and opinions expressed are entirely of his own.

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