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8 Tips to Stay Safe from Scams

By JPMorgan Chase

8 Tips to Stay Safe from Scams
Upset confused african woman holding cellphone having problem with mobile phone, frustrated angry mixed race girl reading bad news in message looking at smartphone annoyed by spam or missed call

Anyone can be a victim of a scam or fraud.

Scammers are always looking for ways to trick consumers out of their hard-earned money, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones. Being alert and informed are the best defenses to stop scammers in their tracks.

It’s important to know the signs of a scam and always protect your personal information and account numbers—those are the things scammers want the most.  In general, remember that anything that sounds extremely urgent, too good to be true, or suspicious, is likely a scam. 

You can ignore, block and delete calls and messages that you don’t recognize. If s suspicious message says something is wrong with a transaction or charge on your accounts, don’t trust caller ID and call the number on the back of your card.  Some common scams include:


Watch out for that email, text or call from “your bank”

Scammers can impersonate banks, utility companies and government agencies to trick consumers out of money. Scammers will contact victims via call or text, demanding money to ensure something doesn’t happen to their accounts. Sometimes, they say they need your account information to investigate suspicious activity. They “spoof” or trick you by impersonating the caller ID information from your bank, or website links that look legitimate. If someone calls you and tells you there’s something wrong with your account, hang up and call your bank directly using the number on the back of your debit or credit card.

Don’t let your favorite retailers fool you

Scammers will claim to be a company you may be familiar with and declare there is an issue with your account or a recent order or send you a fake receipt for goods to incite you to dispute them. Make purchases from trusted websites and vendors only; steer clear of private sellers or websites with sales at prices that seem too good to be true. Never go off an online platform to close a deal or communicate with a buyer or seller.

Beware of rental scams


Scammers may pose as landlords looking to rent a property and convince the victim to send a deposit to hold it. Make sure the listing appears on multiple online platforms, has a detailed description, contact information and good customer reviews. If possible, meet the landlord in person and visit the property to ensure the rental offering is legitimate before fulfilling any request for a money transfer.

Beware of tech support offerings

Some scammers will assert there are issues with your computer by posing as tech support and encourage you to click suspicious links via text or pop-up windows on your computer to help solve your “issue.” If a caller says your computer has a problem, hang up. Never give anyone remote access to your computer unless you can 100% verify who they are. If you’re worried about a virus or other threat, call your security software company directly, using the phone number on its website.

Stay away from “malvertising”

Scammers are placing fake phone numbers in search engines and online ads under the names of legitimate companies like banks or airlines. People call those numbers and are tricked into sharing account or other personal information. Avoid this “malvertising” by typing the full URL for the company in the address bar instead of entering the company name in the search bar, and don’t click search ads.


Beware of Artificial Intelligence (AI) or “deep fake” scams

Smart technology allows scammers to duplicate familiar voices and trick consumers out of their money and personal information. Scammers can gain the trust of victims by pretending to be a close family member or friend in need of money. Be extra careful of friends or family members calling suddenly and needing help. Hang up and call them back on a number you know to be theirs or call someone else who knows them.

How you pay matters

Digital payment methods can help limit access to fraudsters finding your bank account. When sending money digitally, however, always make sure you know and trust who you are sending money to. If you send money, you may not get it back if it’s a scam.

Be Calm, Be Confident


Even if you aren’t aware of all emerging threats, you can protect yourself from becoming a victim by refusing to give your personal or banking information if someone contacts you by email, text or phone. Creating strong passwords for your online accounts and changing them often can also help protect your digital footprint.

The best defense is to stay calm and confident and use technology to your advantage: ignore, delete and block calls, messages or emails from sources you don’t recognize and remember that banks will never ask for personal information when calling you or urge you to send money.

If you become a victim, don’t be embarrassed, and report it to your bank. Also, tell family and friends about your experience so they too can be on high alert.

For more fraud and scam prevention tips, visit, and

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