By Sylvia Dunnavant Hines
Parkland Health recently celebrated the success of their first Mammogram Summit by screening 105 women and providing education information from a panel of doctors.
“The reason we chose to have our first Mammography Summit was to increase access for women getting mammograms,” said Vivian Johnson, Senior Vice President of Clinical Services for Parkland Health.
According to Johnson, Parkland Health started their first expanded program on Mother’s Day weekend, and screened 117 women. The Saturday project will conitnue once a month and women can still schedule mammograms at their clinic on the website at Parkland Health or call 214-266-3333.
Parkland Health is also looking for 100 Breast Health Ambassadors to help with their outreach efforts. Organizations or individuals interested in supporting this effort can also sign up on the Parkland Health website.