Just like Manna from Heaven, Manna Juice Barproducts are a gift to consumers. Located in Mansfield, on the Arlington/Grand Prairie border. Manna Juice is made from 100% organic produce, their cold-pressed juices, fresh smoothies, and acaí bowls are hand-crafted to accentuate the flavor and maximize the natural benefits of each ingredient. The cleanses nourish and replenish, with the necessary sustenance to fuel the body, mind, and spirit with nutrients and natural vitamins for days on end.
Manna Juice Bar is family-owned and operated. You can order online or stop by at 3806 E. Broad St. #128, Mansfield, 682-400-8059. Hours Mon-Fri 7 am-7 pm, Sat 8 am-6 pm & Sun 10 am 4 pm. https://drinkmannajuice.com/