Collin Tyrell Harvey was granted his angel wings on March 1st 2023. His final day was spent surrounded by family and friends that Collin had touched in a large way throughout his short, yet very memorable life.

Collin’s life would seem too short to many, but those who were touched by him understood that the quality of existence far exceeds the quantity of time in which one lives.
Famous was such an amazing kid with an enormous heart, good attitude, and likable personality. The character traits and love he possessed helped make him popular at school and loved by family. Collin enjoyed basketball and football he also had a passion and drive for his music. He was a genius and his love for music is something that will continue to live on through all of us. Cwayyy will be dearly missed and as Collin would always say “time heals all wounds”.
Collin is survived by his loving parents, Carla Harvey and Chauncey Miller, sisters Makaela and Makyla Harvey and Kieandra Miles, Maternal grandparent Lisa Harvey, Paternal grandparents Veronica Randolph and Jacob Miller.