Linda Ann Adams is the 5th of 6 girls born and raised in Canton, MS. A graduate of Velma Ware Jackson High, she received her B.S. in Computer Science from Jackson State University. Linda has been employed with DSC Communications Corporation Linda has served as Recording Secretary of the Dallas/Ft. Worth JSU Alumni Chapter, Southwest Regional Board Member of the JSU National Association, and Corresponding Secretary of the DMCBAA. Linda was selected as the 1997-98 JSU DFW Chapter’s Alumnus of the Year, has been included in the International Biographical Center’s “International Youth in Achievement” directory, and was recognized by Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Dallas as the “Rookie Big Sister of the Year” for 1998. Linda is a member of New Mt. Zion Baptist Church, where she is a member of the Adult Usher Ministry, the Nurses Guild, and the Anniversary Committee; as well as Church secretary and pastor’s secretary.