Bean Pie My Brother, Bean Pie My Sister?
Natural Bake Goods may be the best dessert you’ve ever had

By Texas Metro News Staff
Bean pies are now infused into the Black food experience like soul food. Unlike most soul food, the bean pie consists of healthy components that are full of nutrients. In the 1930’s the Nation of Islam’s eternal father, The Hon. Elijah Muhammad, introduced the pie as the dessert counterpart to his How to Eat to Live diet utilized by his followers. Muhammad’s better health doctrine sparked wellness consciousness throughout the Black community and with such came the popularity of the bean pie. In the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex Mother Earth Natural Baked Good’s bean pie is at the helm of numerous dinner tables as their premier dessert choice.
Sis Eartha Muhammad, a member of N.O.I. Muhammad Mosque No. 48 in South Dallas, is the owner of Mother Earth. When people say, why make a pie out of beans? Her response is quite simple. “The navy bean is full of protein, anti-oxidants, antiradiation properties, this why The Hon. Elijah Muhammad gave it to us to eat as a complete food,” Mother Earth says.
Navy beans have been called one of the healthiest foods on earth. This bean has been hailed as a great source of cholesterol-lowering fiber. It also minimizes blood sugar levels from a rapid rise, this makes the bean good for diabetics. In addition, the bean also provides energy, helps maintain memory, and lowers risk of heart attack.

People who are not familiar with the bean pie often imagine it as a pie full of whole beans, which is not widely appealing. That’s not the case. The navy beans are cooked and pureed then seasoned with spices and sweetness that gives the bean pie a taste likened to sweet potato, or pumpkin pie, but better according to patrons of it.
Rashad Miller is definitely sold, he had this to say about Mother Earth’s. “I fell in love with these delicious pies at first bite. I can’t imagine a better all-natural dessert to enjoy with my favorite coffee or just with a glass of something. At the end of the day Sis. Eartha exceeded my sweet tooth expectations.”
Sis. Eartha comes from a lineage of bakers. Her mother baked often, which gave way to Eartha’s intense love for it.
“I picked up what I could from my mother. I grew up like most girls at the time, playing with the Easy Bake oven, it was a form of entertainment for us. I started baking, and it became a means of art and creation for me. I have been baking ever since,” said Sis. Eartha.
Although she went to college to be trained as a technical illustrator, Eartha continued her creativity and art with her company, Mother Earth. She has expanded greatly on the use of the nutritious navy bean, to not just include her bean pies of which she has added blueberry, banana, apple, and peach cobbler flavors; but to her delicious bean cookies, cakes, apple turn- overs, and her decadent bean pie cheesecake with strawberry topping.

Credit: Mother Earth
Although Mother Earth’s bean pie, cakes and cookies have become a fixture to people within the metroplex, she continues to get rave reviews from coast to coast. “The bean pie crust is to die for not too sweet just Right. And those cookies all man fantastic,” said Pamela Jones.
Dalton Hill had this to say, “my family and stomach were blessed with the best cheese- cake and bean pie ever. Great muffins, cheesecake, and cookies!!” DJ Charlie Chan Soprano is the deejay for Rock and Roll Hall famed group, RUN DMC, he had this to say about Mother Earth.
“If you could go to jail for murdering food, I would be in jail for life. Mother Earth Natural Baked Goods, I will be a lifelong customer,” The deejay’s favorite is her banana bean pie.
Experience what might very well be the healthiest dessert in the world, the bean pie.
Mother Earth Natural Baked Goods can be reach at 214-402- 3307 or