Despite numerous international economic challenges, the Texas economy is “on fire,” as Dallas-based Comerica Bank’s chief economist told The Dallas Morning News. And who is leading...
Despite Gov. Greg Abbott’s issuing an executive order earlier this week, reopening Texas, other elected officials are cautioning against a rush to abandon measures...
DALLAS — Mayor Eric Johnson on Monday unveiled the Mayor’s Youth Sports Ticket Program, a partnership created to provide opportunities to the city’s youth...
DALLAS — The City Council on Wednesday unanimously approved a new ordinance that will ease the city’s restrictions on food trucks, food trailers, and other mobile...
DALLAS — The City Council on Wednesday voted unanimously to restrict operating hours for sexually oriented businesses (SOBs) in an effort to reduce violent crime....
Mayor Eric Johnson on Wednesday issued a proclamation declaring September 2021 as "LGBTQ Business Month" in Dallas. Mayor Johnson issued the proclamation to highlight...
Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, Manchester, NH Mayor Joyce Craig, Lansing Mayor Andy Schor, and Tacoma Mayor Victoria Woodards highlight the real-world impacts...