Samia Gore is taking a holistic approach to health and well-being, Body Complete Rx worked with renowned nutritionist Dr. Ruby Lathon to formulate and...
Their food truck roams the streets of Dallas-Ft. Worth, bringing our delicious dishes to different neighborhoods. Stay tuned for their weekly schedule updates and...
Tiffani Hutton is the Founder of LUHU, a virtual assistance platform that connects non-profits and social justice-oriented organizations to equitable assistants, providing administrative support...
Dr. Jasmine Ervin, Ed.D is the founder of Reinvigorate Wellness; acomprehensive wellness organization designed specifically for you. She can help you eat healthier and...
Ya Momma’s Kitchen LLC is located inside the Shell Gas Station at 440 W. Kiest Blvd in Dallas. Call 214-206-0560 for daily menu options. They provide...
Personalized Creations by Marisa has custom apparel, drinkware, gift wraps, home decor, custom orders and more. At PCM they create unique items that “celebrate...
Melody LaGrone, CHHP OWNER The owner of YAH Organics Co., Melody LaGrone is a certified Holistic Health Practitioner dedicated and passionate about holistic living. She...
Brandon Brown is #anotheronetvservices. He’s showing his work on social media. Brandon prides himself on getting in, taking care fo business and getting out, on to...
Allyson Rhodes is a freelance graphic designer and photographer, with a passion for photography and design AIR Designs is dedicated to delivering creative and effective...