Dr. Krystal Winn is a born servant leader who loves community and volunteering. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Media Studies...
Their food truck roams the streets of Dallas-Ft. Worth, bringing our delicious dishes to different neighborhoods. Stay tuned for their weekly schedule updates and...
Bishop T.D. Jakes, senior pastor of The Potter’s House in Dallas, is asking a California court to require Google to release identifying information for...
Who’s getting the special IRS payments totaling more than $2 billion, when and why. By Wire ServicesWire Service Everyone’s favorite Christmas gift giver, the Internal...
Meet Yemi, she’s the Fashionista and Stylist Behind GLAMORE. Yemi Solomon has carved out a distinguished path for herself in the highly competitive and...
Tigist Solomon is the Partnership Coordinator for the non profit organization, The Urban Specialists; working to eliminate violence in urban culture. She has also worked...
Vice President Kamala Harris has a political career that is classic textbook. She leveraged her legal training at the University of California into a...