Who is Tamia Brooks? She’s almost eight years old and was born on October 13, 2017. Not only was she born but born with a purpose. Tamia believes God sent her here to earth to impact the lives of others who think that they can’t do anything. She’s smart, intelligent, wise, bold, powerful, talented, and extremely successful. She has written two books and has an anthem song called ‘Imma Go Tell.’ I met her father Keith Brooks at Walmart promoting and selling her books. He is a proud dad. Tamia’s dad always told her that she could do anything and she believes that you can too. Check out the website and shop her books they are amazing.
https://tamia.website/ Keith Brooks (Father) KeithBrooks7@yahoo.com, phone: 404-388-7536
Video: https://fb.watch/xvOUr3pwbl/