By Dr. Stacia’ Alexander
In our journey towards success, professional women often face numerous challenges, both personally and in the workplace. Balancing career aspirations with personal life can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. However, by adopting the right mindset and utilizing effective tools, women can overcome these obstacles and achieve their goals. In this article, we will explore five powerful tools for success in the spiritual quadrant, inspired by the book of Job. Let’s dive in and discover how these tools can empower professional women to find balance, set goals, and stay accountable on their path to success.
- Embracing the Reality: Bad Things Happen to Good People
Life doesn’t always go according to plan, and even the most virtuous individuals encounter challenges. It’s crucial to understand that difficult circumstances do not define one’s worth or faithfulness. The book of Job teaches us that sometimes bad things hap- pen to good people, not as a punishment, but as an opportunity to inspire and uplift others through our own experiences. Remember, your journey to success is not just about you; it can also serve as a testimony and source of inspiration for those around you. - Navigating Strained Relationships: Friends and Strife
During times of strife, it’s natural for some friendships to be tested. Friends may struggle to understand or support you during challenging seasons. The book of Job highlights this reality, as Job’s friends offered ungodly advice, rejected him, and even spoke ill of him to others. It’s important not to take these strains personally. Recognize that not everyone is equipped to stand by you during difficult times. Instead, focus on drawing closer to God and embracing the people who genuinely support and uplift you on your journey. - Seeking Answers: Asking “Why?” is Valid
Contrary to the notion that questioning God is discouraged, the book of Job demonstrates that it’s acceptable to ask “why” when facing adversity. Job himself posed this question nearly 25 times throughout his ordeal. By seeking understanding, we open ourselves to learning valuable lessons. Remember, the purpose of trials and tribulations is to teach us and, at times, impact others through our experiences. So, don’t hesitate to ask God for answers and clarity during challenging times. - Maintaining Focus: Preventing Distractions
When facing hardships, it’s easy to lose focus on our goals, commitments, and relationship with God. However, maintaining focus is essential to prevent falling short of our potential. Acknowledge that pain and strife can be overwhelming, making it crucial to increase prayer time and seek solace in spiritual practices. Surround yourself with individuals who speak words of encouragement and share the wisdom of God, rather than worldly advice. Remember, shifting gears and adopting alternative approaches may be necessary to stay on track during difficult seasons. - The Power of Repentance: Seeking Forgiveness and Blessings
During challenging times, it’s natural to make mistakes or deviate from our values. Repentance plays a pivotal role in the journey towards forgiveness and blessings. Job, in his existence and contemplated suicide. However, he eventually repented and found solace in God’s presence. Repentance allows us to acknowledge our shortcomings, seek forgiveness, and realign our lives with God’s guidance. By embracing repentance, professional women can experience restoration, blessings, and a renewed sense of purpose.
Dr. Stacia Alexander is a Licensed Practicing Psychotherapist and Clinical Supervisor, Mental Health Media Contributor. Professional Speaker, Corporate Trainer and author of 10 + Things I Wish I Knew About Mental Health in College.