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ACLU Launches Website to Inspire Voters

By Allana J. Barefield 
Staff Writer 

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Texas is trying its best to make the voting process easier for Texans. 

The ACLU has launched a website, Let Texans Vote, that focuses on voting rights, the process to vote, and how to keep safe as the voters head to the polls. 

The ACLU wants to encourage voting but especially motivate minority communities to cast their vote. 

Andre Segura

Andre Segura, legal director for the ACLU of Texas, is aware that there will be challenges that minorities will face at the ballot box.  

“Throughout history, we have seen the right to vote chipped away from communities of color, in particular,” Segura said. “Let Texans Vote is necessary to combat efforts to disenfranchise voters, clarify misinformation about the voting process in Texas, and alleviate concerns about voting during the pandemic.”

The website will be constantly updated for voters to stay informed and there will be a toll-free election protection hotline to help voters who encounter problems at the polls. 

“It’s crucial that we use our voice and vote,” Segura said. 

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