Sometimes we see what others are going through. Sometimes we don’t.
When Candace Wicks retired from Dallas Independent School District, I stopped by to celebrate with her.
Shortly after I heard devastating news about her health. While I won’t repeat the diagnosis or the many declarations: I will say that prayers were needed because there were some challenging times ahead.
We’re talking about during pandemic times; however Candace was not diagnosed with the COVID 19 virus.
Still, protocols in place made it impossible to see her and discern the extent of her illness/injuries or pain/suffering.
Then someone said, “go to Facebook.”

And thanks to that social media platform information was shared and when she was able Candace would show up to share her testimony.
I was devastated. It was hard to watch because here was this vibrant, active, engaging and always loving woman who appeared near death.
It was too much.
When you take into consideration the constant challenges of living through the pandemic, life becomes even harder to deal with. It didn’t help that Candace was more than a casual acquaintance who I could scroll past with the flick of a thumb, giving a passing thought or maybe clicking the “like” icon.
In addition to being my sorority sister, Candace’s life has taken some of the same paths as mine. She’s HBCU taught, an educator and a community servant. She is committed, loyal and dependable while also being quite candid! Candace was full of life and so to see her bedridden made me reevaluate steps I was taking on this journey called “life.”
Fast forward to today. After several operations and amputations; you no longer see Candace from a hospital bed.

Which brings me to my truth!
That woman is phenomenal!
Candace is up and taking care of business. While she could still be bedridden or wallowing in self-pity sitting home waiting for those who visit the sick and shut-in; that is not Candace.
Because of her health, she faced many challenges.
Because of her faith, she has overcome many and is continuing to be a blessing to others! Sometimes I get tired.
Sometimes I wonder why.
Candace is an example of all things considered.
She wears a smile and carries herself with such grace, I am amazed.
As I face obstacles in life, I think of some of the dynamic women who have come into my life. I think of the woman who inhaled as I exhaled and whose blood flowed from her to me; my mother. And then I also think of all the women who came before me, enduring so much.
Candace is a living example of possibilities. Thinking of Candace brings a smile to my face and joy in my heart. Now don’t get me wrong. Full transparency – Candace can also be a D. W. A. – Straight Outta Dallas, but she is authentic and brings receipts!
She makes me proud as she continues to serve her church, sorority, community and several organizations she holds membership in. She holds leadership positions and it is easy to forget that her journey through life has changed and is more challenging than expected.
She is a shining example and we need more like her.