Credit: City of DeSoto
Freezing temperatures during last February’s Winter Storm knocked out water service at the Hickory Manor Senior Apartment Complex, 1626 Old Hickory Trail in DeSoto, for several days and made numerous apartments uninhabitable for an extended period of time.

Credit: City of DeSoto

At the time the City of DeSoto helped secure temporary water service and showers for residents and worked with management to try to locate temporary housing for residents displaced from their apartments while repairs were made. The City estimated then that emergency housing would cost close to $40,000 and was able to offset those costs with a $25,000 grant from former Congressman Beto O’Rourke’s “Powered By People” organization. Today, June 8, 2021, former Congressman Beto O’Rourke joined DeSoto Mayor Rachel Proctor, members of the DeSoto Council, and several City officials at the apartments to visit with several residents who had been impacted and to find out how things were going.