Ayana (Ahmed-Gant) Hill is the Affordable Housing Coordinator for the City of Irving. What a rewarding job to create and maintain affordable housing solutions...
Blessing Osita Nnaji is a professional freelance CV Writer and Digital Consultant. A graduate of Nnamdi Aikido University with a degree in Computer Science,...
Pastor Zahira Sims is the executive director at Bahia’s Aspiring Children, Inc. A graduate of Marion Abramson Senior High, she studied Mass Communication at...
Yasmin Barnes Jones Hailing from Longview, TX, Yasmin Barnes Jones received her Bachelor’s and Masters Degrees from Texas Woman’s University, and she received her...
Dominique McCain is an organizational leader working to align PK-12 systems, instructional excellence, and lifelong outcomes. Currently, she is the Interim Chief Executive Officer...
Dr. Krystal Winn is a born servant leader who loves community and volunteering. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Media Studies...
Melba Hill is an Economic Development Specialist at the DeSoto Economic Development Corporation (DEDC) in DeSoto, Texas. She is praised for being a dedicated...