Shanee’ Moore is the Senior Director of Campus Administration for Dallas College at Northlake Campus. She has spent nearly two decades in different roles...
Janice M. Hicks, Ph.D is a Deputy Director of Education Grantmaking who is transforming Postsecondary Education, championing dreams for learners from low-income backgrounds, and...
Tiffany Matthews Arnold hails from Dallas and is the Senior Managing Director at Customized Designs. She works for Mary Kay in Independent Sales, and...
Maisha Bankhead, co-owner of the Arlington Fatburger franchise, was honored to play a part in bringing Fatburger to Texas, and following in the footsteps...
World Traveller Vanna Collins is a Braid Stylist, certified yoga instructor and reiki practitioner, philanthropist, media personality and “full-on lover of life!”
The Honorable Tiffinni A. Young, Former Dallas City Councilwoman, is a proud native of Texas and Lincoln Humanities and Communications Magnet and Florida A&M...