Latest Past Events
Alpha Kappa Alpha Event (July 5)
I am delighted to invite you to join me in my hometown–Dallas, Texas—where the 71st Boule will be held July 5 – 11, 2024. We expect this year’s Boule will draw nearly 20,000 registered sorors who are excited to convene and focus on the business of our Sisterhood. During our time together, we will SOAR […]
Urban Historical Reclamation and Recognition Unveiling (July 6)
NASHER PUBLIC - Urban Historical Reclamation and Recognition Unveiling of the first phase of Nasher Public: UHRR project honoring the Tenth Street Historic District Freedman’s Town 9 a.m. PROJECT REVEAL - Remarks by Nasher Public: UHRR Fellow Vicki Meek, Nasher Interim Director Jed Morse and Tenth Street Residential Association President Patricia Cox --Site of the […]
2024 Rally for Education Youth Rally (14 June)
4500 S. Riverside Drive Ft. Worth, TX.2024 Rally for Education Youth Rally. Free. 10 am to 1 pm. New Breed Christian Center at 4500 S. Riverside Drive Ft. Worth, TX.