42 events found.
Latest Past Events
Parkland Flu Shots & COVID-19 Boosters (November 25)
Ellis Davis Field House; 9191 South PolkParkland Flu Shots & COVID-19 Boosters at Ellis Davis Field House; 9191 South Polk, Free. Mon-Sat. Bring your vaccine shot card. Contact: Ms. Rodriguez; 469-419-4400.
Community Vaccine Event (October 2)
Dallas West Church of Christ, 3510 N. Hampton Rd.Community Vaccine Event at Dallas West Church of Christ, 3510 N. Hampton Rd. 10 am-12 pm. Reg: https: bit.ly/3tDallasWest
Parkland to begin offering Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine booster shots (September 27)
Ellis Davis Field House, 9191 S. Polk StreetVaccinations limited to eligible populations Beginning Monday, Sept. 27, Parkland Health & Hospital System will begin offering booster shots of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to the following populations at its community-based vaccine sites: People 65 years and older and residents in long-term care settings People 18 through 64 years at high risk of severe COVID-19 […]