Dominique McCain is an organizational leader working to align PK-12 systems, instructional excellence, and lifelong outcomes. Currently, she is the Interim Chief Executive Officer...
Shera Moffitt, MPA is the co-owner of II Wins Realty Group, LLC partnered with Titan Realty Group,LLC and brokered by eXp Realty. She graduated from...
Dr. Krystal Winn is a born servant leader who loves community and volunteering. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Media Studies...
Pastor Challis Bradford's smile is the beginning of a wonderful relationship because behind that smile is love, faith, support, strength, perseverance, justice, compassion and...
Monique Muhammad is an author, Life Coach, Business & Financial Expert, Breast Cancer Survivor, Motivational Speaker, Talk Show Host and Philanthropist.
Shequitta Kelly-Joubert’s life is one that is inspiring, thought-provoking and worth sharing because it’s a real testimony of triumph, hope, faith and love.