I joined in welcoming to Dallas, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc ! As they gathered for their 71st biennial AKA Boule 2024, our city was honored to host such a distinguished and impactful organization. As a proud member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., I was especially thrilled to see our sister organization bringing its national convention to my home city.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, led by the dynamic International President & CEO Danette Anthony Reed of Dallas, Texas, stands as a beacon of excellence. Often hailed as “America’s premier Greek-letter organization for African American women,” AKA has a rich legacy of service, sister-hood, and leadership.

Danette Reed exemplifies these values, inspiring members to strive for greatness in all their endeavors. Her leadership has propelled AKA to new heights, making significant strides in educational advancement, economic empowerment, and social justice.
We must also celebrate the accomplishments of four remarkable members: Eva Coleman, Patricia Lipsey, Regina Taylor and Kimberly Godwin. Their dedication and success are powerful reminders that we can achieve greatness with determination and perseverance. They embody the spirit of AKA and its commitment to uplifting communities and fostering positive change.

As Big Mama always said, “Success can be copied.” Let us all be inspired by the achievements of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and its members. Their journey shows us that with hard work and unity, we too can make a lasting impact. I challenge everyone to learn from their example and strive for excellence in our own lives.
Terry Allen is an NABJ award-winning Journalist, DEI expert, PR professional, and founder of the charity – Vice President at FocusPR, Founder of City Men Cook, and Dallas Chapter President of NBPRS.org
Terry Allen is an award-winning media professional, journalist, and entrepreneur. He is also the founder of City Men Cook and 1016 Media. Reach him at terryallenpr@gmail.com