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Cheryl's World

MY TRUTH: When we think of the least of us!

First we must get rid of all the misnomers and myths about the homeless. Everyone is not lazy, trifling and lacking ambition.

We must also realize that for some, you take away two or three paychecks and it’s amazing how easy the realities of others can become aligned with you!

Which brings me to my truth.

Get ready because Austin Street Center is opening a State of the Art Facility and it’s a new home for the homeless.

Regrettably it won’t be enough for ALL of the homeless men, women and children. We still have a problem and Austin Street can’t do it alone!


Homelessness is a big issue across the country and especially in Dallas where according to a report released by the City of Dallas’ Office of Homeless Solutions, “of the 2,000 beds in Dallas Shelters, the majority are full every night.”

Coupled with Dallas lacking an affordable housing market and the rapidly increasing number of people moving to the area; the importance of the philanthropic community, and agencies like Austin Street Center, is even more significant.

On Thursday, Austin Street Center, a non-profit organization that provides safe shelter and basic needs to men, 45 and older, and women,18 and older; is opening the doors to its new facility that replaces its 30-year old shelter.

Located at 1717 Jeffries Street in Dallas, there is now more space to do more for the homeless population that depends on the Center for support they need to transition out of homelessness, including shelter, food, clothing, health and mental health services, spiritual support, employment services and education programs.

Fueled by The Help Them Home Campaign Committee, chaired by Megan Burkhart of Comerica Bank, Austin Street Center Senior Director of Development, Myrshem George, and Austin Street Center Chief Executive Officer, Daniel Roby; $15M was raised for the 60,000 sq. ft. facility that in addition to proving more for housing and a computer lab, also provides space for healthcare, dining, classes and engagement.


Some are doing their part to help the homeless.

We need more who care and will give something to lighten the load and lessen the burden.

Reach out to Austin Street and some of the other organizations and see how you can be of service so they will continue to thrive and be there, should you ever need help!

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