Bellen Woodard started her company when she was nine years old. It began, as a project by donating products to spread joy; build empathy; and invest in our spaces. It’s become the world’s first multicultural art brand and is a Kid/Woman/Black-owned business. She was confused that once a single crayon was named “flesh” and that more recently friends called only the peach crayon “skin color” and she wanted to help grow the language for safer spaces. Whose idea was this and how did the crayons get their names? Meet the new bright-light Bellen Woodard, Mensan, ballet dancer, professional model, who’s now 13-year old CEO & owner of More than Peach. She’s in retail stores. You can order her products and learn more about Bellen on the website.
email: ask@morethanpeach.com phone: (703) 665-9117