By Arise Rejoice News Service
More than two hundred people attended a recent 100th birthday celebration for legendary lawyer L. Clifford Davis held at Texas Christian University on October 12th, the judge actual birthday.
Judge Davis was graduated from the Howard University School of Law in 1949. A native of Arkansas, he could not attend law schools in Texas and in his home state because they were segregagted.
“Judge Davis is one of the most important legal figures in Texas during the last half century,” said Fort Worth Attorney Bobbie Edmonds who has written a biography on the judge’s life and contributions.
“There are few lawyers who have had the impact that Judge Davis has had on the law and on society,” said Ms. Edmonds. “He is a living legend in the Texas legal community, and the state bar assocation has recognized him as such.”
Among those in attendence at the event was Texas State Senator Royce West who applauded Judge Davis for his many years of unwavering service and committment to the equitable application of the rule of law.
Judge Davis received a personal letter from President Joe Biden. “Allow me to share my best wishes for everythiing you have meant to America over the past century,” the president wrote..