By Arise Rejoice Media
Yolanda Frazier-Gills, an accountant and former president of the Oak Cliff Chamber of Commerce, received the first annual Blews Humanitarian Award on September 28th at a luncheon held in Dallas.
The award was presented to Ms. Frazier-Gills, the former president of the Oak Cliff Chamber of Commerce, and the late Kenneth R. Glaser, one of the founders of the BLEWS organization that works to maintain and strengthen the bonds between the Black and Jewish communities.
“Yolanda has improved relationships between different types of people,” said Reverend Peter Johnson, one of the luncheon’s three speakers.
She is instrumental in strengthening the relationship between Blacks and Jews, Reverend Johnson added. “The two groups have a historical relationship that is extremely important.
Founded eight years ago, BLEWS ( Blacks and Jews) has attracted residents of North Texas seeking to understand the cultures and historical realities of others, Reverend Johnson said.
Kenneth A. Parker, a founding member of BLEWS said that Ken Glaser was honored because he was a “visionary who had a giving heart.” Mr. Glaser, an intellectual property attorney, died in March of this year.
In addition to Reverend Johnson, the other speakers at the event included Rabbi Heidi Coretz, a chaplain at SMU, and Dr. Marriel Williams, the owner of a construction supply company and non-profit administrator.