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OUR VOICES: My Dad Was My First And Best Role Model. Thank You Dad

Father’s Day will be celebrated on Sunday, June 16th. Unlike Mother’s Day when restaurants were filled, you will probably be able to go without a reservation.

By James B. Ewers Jr. Ed.D.

Father’s Day will be celebrated Sunday, June 16th. Unlike Mother’s Day when restaurants were filled, you will probably be able to go without a reservation.

Being a committed father takes a lot of caring and commitment. Being responsible and respectful are additional attributes that dads must have.

My dad was there when I went to bed at night and was there when I woke up each morning. He was always there leading our family. Upon reflection, I probably took my dad’s presence for granted.

I never had to wonder if my dad was coming home. It never occurred to me growing up that I would have to ask my mom where my dad was.


I did not have any doubts or trepidation about him being in my life. The life lessons he gave me back in the day have stayed with me to this day. He was a role model for me in every sense of the word. He passed away many years ago.

My dad, Dr. James B. Ewers, was a dentist in Winston-Salem, NC. He was Jamaican and a graduate of the Howard University School of Dentistry in Washington DC.

Afterwards, he moved to Winston-Salem NC and met my mom.

At the time, he was the only Jamaican in the city. I can’t imagine what that was like. He then sponsored my cousin, Wilfred Ewers, who became the second Jamaican in the city.

As I grew older, I began to see that my dad was greatly respected and admired.


People saw him as a leader and a difference-maker.

There were always people at our house, some just seeking counsel and a good word.

On the humorous side, some were also intrigued by his Jamaican accent. I found myself at times being an unpaid interpreter.

My dad was a big man with kindness and gentleness wrapped inside of him. He had character, integrity and honesty. I saw it on display every day. Yet as a boy, I probably could not have used those words to describe him.

Being from the West Indies gave my dad a keen sense of money and how to value a dollar. He also understood that not all his patients could pay him for his services.


There were occasions when he would take me horseback riding or bring food home.

I later found out that these were his patients who didn’t have the money to pay him.
I can remember like it was yesterday some of the long and exhaustive lectures that he gave me. I would sit on the couch, and he would begin.

It was important to him that I was respectful and that I not get into any trouble. I can recall his words, “Jimmy my boy, if you get into any trouble don’t call me.” As a young boy, you can imagine the thoughts I had when he uttered those words.

It made me apprehensive knowing that he meant what he said. Well, it worked.

Would he have come to my aid? I believe so. However, I never had to find out. He was never called by any official at any level about his son getting into mischief.


Education was emphasized in my house. I always knew I was going to college because my parents talked about it very early in my life. It was simply where I was going.

There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about my dad. He gave me the foundation and the fundamentals for successful living. I am thankful to God that he blessed me with him.

Sunday, June 16th, is Father’s Day. If your father is living, I hope you celebrate with him and if he is not, remember him with fondness.

This column is dedicated to my father and to all fathers who are making a difference in the lives of their children.

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