The City of Dallas and Dallas County opened Fair Park as the first mega vaccination site in Dallas County. The site is open 8 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday.
Residents must have an appointment to receive the vaccine.
Dallas County and non-Dallas County residents should visit to register, be pre-screened and receive additional information on the COVID-19 vaccine.
Do I need a vaccine if I already had COVID-19?
Yes. The vaccine is recommended for people who previously have been infected with COVID-19. Vaccination of persons with current SARS-CoV-2 infection should be deferred until the person has recovered from acute illness and they can discontinue isolation. While there is no minimum interval between infection and vaccination, current evidence suggests reinfection is uncommon in the 90 days after initial infection. Persons with documented acute SARS-CoV-2 infection in the preceding 90 days may delay vaccination until near the end of this period, if desired.
Can I choose which vaccine I want to take?
Perhaps, when the supply of vaccines from all manufacturers becomes readily available. The vaccines will roll out across the country as they are approved for use by the FDA. Once there are multiple vaccines available, you will be able to inquire with providers to see which vaccine they have on hand, but individual providers may offer or only make one vaccine option available.
Once people start taking the COVID-19 vaccine, will we need to keep wearing masks and social distancing?
Until a vast majority of the public is inoculated with the vaccine, and more is learned about the immunity produced by the vaccines, people need to continue the current preventative measures to stop the spread of the virus. While the vaccine is the most important tool in controlling the pandemic, it is not a magic bullet that can end the pandemic right away. However as more and more people get the vaccine and/or develop natural immunity, we will get to the point where masks and social distancing are no longer needed.
Can my child get the COVID-19 vaccine?
At this time, the Pfizer vaccine is authorized under the EUA for people aged 16 and older. The Moderna vaccine is authorized under the EUA for people age 18 and older.
Will the COVID-19 vaccines require special handling?
Each vaccine has different storage and preparation requirements. Public Health staff who handle vaccines are trained on storing, handling and preparing them safely to ensure the viability of every vaccine dose.
What will the COVID-19 vaccine cost?
The vaccine is free. Operation Warp Speed, a federal program, is paying all the costs associated with vaccinations.
Is getting a COVID-19 vaccine immunization mandatory?
COVID-19 vaccinations are voluntary, but we strongly recommend all eligible persons receive the vaccine.
Where will people go to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Public announcements will be made as soon as the vaccine becomes available. It is expected that people will be able to get COVID-19 vaccinations from their doctor, local pharmacies, hospitals, and other places that normally provide vaccines for the public.
How many doses of vaccine will I need?
It is important to understand which vaccine you are receiving. The majority of the vaccines will require two doses.
How long do I have to wait between doses?
Depending on the vaccine you receive, there may be a 21-28 days between the first and second dose. When you receive the first dose, it is important that you wait for the designated time and then get the second dose. The effectiveness of the vaccine is highest when the doses are spaced appropriately. Information will be provided to everyone who receives the COVID-19 vaccine to ensure they receive the correct second dose.
Is there any proof we need to show if we’ve had a COVID-19 vaccine shot?
Those receiving COVID-19 vaccine will have the immunization noted on their official IMMTRAC vaccine record.