By Dr. Froswa’ Booker-Drew
Our goals are connected to others and quite often, we cannot make our dreams a reality in isolation. We need others who have the ability to help us along the way. Many create vision boards during this season but as you are envisioning your future, who are the people around you that can assist? Who are those that have wisdom and experience that you may glean from? Are there individuals missing that you need in your life with characteristics/skills you may not have but can assist you? Who is your personal board of directors that pour into your life but also challenge you? Is your vision one that creates movement and inspiration? Are you inspired to take an idea to inception? Instead of resolutions, for the past few years, I have chosen a word for the year. In doing so, it’s allowed me to focus.
Two of my previous words of the year were “power” and “movement.” I wanted to recognize my own power instead of looking outside; but more importantly, I wanted to witness the power of God. Movement was another powerful word because I saw the hand of God move in so many areas of my personal and professional life. Having these words really made a difference in my life. The website DaySpring says (and they also have a quiz you can take, too!): “What if you chose to focus on this one theme all year, helping you filter decisions, calm emotions, and face each day with resolve?” For me, it’s creating a guiding principle of what I want my year to look like and what I want to focus on. Having a word of the year for me is a form of setting an intention—it isn’t about writing goals.
It’s about aligning with purpose and destiny. It is an opportunity to co-create with God as the lead, the next 365 days. Whatever you choose to do this year whether it is writing goals, identifying a word/setting an intention, it is critical that you pay attention to what God has placed in you. We often look outside to make things happen when the reality is that you have something already to work with. In Judges 3:31, the Bible mentions Shamgar. During a time of much oppression in Israel, Shamgar used what was in his hand to make a difference. His actions were critical and impacted many lives. I wonder if he saw his oxgoad as something special or just an everyday tool but I’m sure all of his training and experience prepared him. Please know that all of your experiences—good, bad, and ugly, are used by God and are not wasted.
Those menial jobs that you felt were useless or the times you couldn’t understand why you had to go through a particular situation—all of those circumstances can be used by God to change the course of your life and the life of others. This wasn’t the first time that God used what an individual had to make a difference— “Then the LORD said to him, ‘What is that in your hand?’ ‘A staff,’ he replied.” (Exodus 4:2) Moses saw and focused on what he didn’t have. God questioned him as a reminder that what he had was significant. Think about what is in your hand? What gifts and talents have you been given that are lying dormant? When will you begin to see what you already have in your possession as the tool to accomplish your dreams? No matter what we face this upcoming year, we must know that God is with us. Allow God to be your partner as you plan your possibilities and cultivate your potential. You. Got. This.
Dr. Froswa’ Booker-Drew is a Buckner International Board Member and currently serves as Vice President of Community Affairs and Strategic Alliances for the State Fair of Texas. She is the author of three books and the host of a podcast for women, The Tapestry.
Dr. Froswa' Booker is the President of Soulstice Consultancy, the Founder of the Reconciliation and Restoration Foundation and the author of four books. Visit her online at