This story, originally published in The Dallas Morning News, is reprinted as part of a collaborative partnership between The Dallas Morning News and TMN. The partnership seeks to boost coverage of Dallas’s communities of color, particularly in southern Dallas.
By Gromer Jeffers Jr.
Dallas Morning News Writer
North Texas congressmen say they hope to break Washington gridlock and deliver for their districts.
On Nov. 3 Allred and Taylor, both freshmen lawmakers, won easy victories in their Dallas-area congressional districts by crafting bipartisan messages and touting accomplishments that they achieved by working together.
Allred beat Dallas business executive Genevieve Collins in District 32, an area in northern and eastern Dallas County that was solid Republican until Allred beat Pete Sessions in 2018. Taylor cruised past Lulu Seikaly, a Plano lawyer making her first run for office. She had hoped to take advantage of the area’s changing demographics. The white population has decreased, while communities of color have grown.