From time to time I have to go back and remind readers why we do the things we do.
Sure I hope that EVERYONE will read us weekly and understand what we are doing, but just in case, I don’t mind sharing.

As we were celebrating the election of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, I told my team that 2021 was going to be the “Year of the Woman,” especially the Black Woman!
I believed that while many were celebrating this milestone, we were living in a false reality if we believed that everyone felt the joy that I was experiencing at that time.
With that in mind, I com- mitted to dedicating considerable editorial real estate to uplifting Black women, who I believed were constantly under siege, especially by those we love the most.
I wanted to spread a message that we need to show love and empower people with love instead of destroying them with hate and disrespect.
With the beginning of Women’s History Month, in March 2021, we began featuring Superb Black Women and I told you how I felt about the treatment of Black Women.
So, we began by saluting our Vice President.
It is important to note that these women are not chosen because of who they are married to, whose baby they gave birth to, or who fathered them. These women stand on their merit. They bring their receipts and they deserve to be recognized totally for their accomplishments.
Some of these women are degreed, some are not. And while some are considered to be “celebrities” ALL have done work worthy of celebrating.
Now once March was over, I couldn’t stop.
Which brings me to my truth!
I had so much fun finding out so much about so many dynamic women of all ages – the oldest has been 100 years old and the youngest has been 21!
From time to time there will be one who has transitioned and others from across the country or around the world.
What they all have in common is RECEIPTS!
They are Superb!
I hope you get as much joy out of reading about these women as I did writing about them. And guess what? They didn’t have a clue that they were being featured and I didn’t ask for information or pictures; nor did we ask for money.
We do our homework and sometimes a reader will send a nomination in. Surprisingly, every name that has been sent in was already on the ever-growing list!
When will it end? I haven’t a clue.
It brings me so much joy. I’m already thinking of other ways to celebrate Black women; to share love and also to enlighten and inform.
Join me in spreading joy. You can nominate someone by emailing me at editor@
Also encourage people to like, click, share and subscribe.
As we celebrate Black Women here, how about if we also celebrate all women?
For everyone, whoever you are, let’s make a pledge that since it was your heart that pumped simultaneously with the heart of a woman; you will never, ever disparage a woman.
Black women have been called so much, good and bad.
We celebrate them and call them SUPERB!
I hope you will too.
Some will ask, “why superb?”
To them, I say, “why not!” And my response is not a question, if you get my drift! And just know this. We will keep having Superb Women forever!