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COVID-19 News

Hospital Capacity in Dallas on November 6

11.07 hospitals

DALLAS — Twenty-five hospitals on Friday reported ventilator and bed capacity numbers to Mayor Eric Johnson’s office.

Dallas hospitals are required to report the information pursuant to the City of Dallas emergency regulations enacted by Mayor Johnson during the local state of disaster. The reporting requirements are meant to provide data to decision-makers and information to the public regarding the medical community’s capacity to handle COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.

Here are the aggregate capacity totals for Friday, as reported by the 25 hospitals:

  • Total beds: 5,903
    • Beds occupied: 4,427
  • Total ICU beds: 911
    • ICU beds occupied: 678
  • Total ventilators: 981
    • Ventilators in use: 364

Please note that the numbers represent a point-in-time snapshot and might fluctuate throughout the day. Hospitals also may be able to expand bed capacity if necessary.


For more information on COVID-19, including testing data, visit And visit the City’s COVID-19 dashboard to see data visualizations.

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