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Garland’s Tree Giveaway a Big Hit

By Allana J. Barefield
Staff Writer

There’s a big demand for trees in the Garland area to beautify the city. 

The City of Garland gave out 450 trees for no cost under the Tree Power Free Tree program. 

Matt Grubisich, parks director at City of Garland, said he is ecstatic to see the program is resonating within the community. 

“There’s a want for people to get these trees,” he said. “I’m hoping we can extend this program in the future to offer more trees,” 


In the past, the program was on a first-come, first-serve basis but since COVID-19 hit they offered the trees online. When pre-registration opened all the trees were claimed for, within four days. 

Grubisich is glad to see these trees will be able to help residents decrease their energy bill and help the planet. 

“As those trees grow up they will actually help shade their home which will reduce the need for AC in the summer,” Grubisich said. “Then there’s all those great benefits that trees do in terms of cleaning our air, and storm water management, it’s a really good thing all around.”

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