Until October 5
November General Elections Voter Registration Deadline: Monday, October 5, 2020, is the deadline to register to vote in the November 2020 Presidential and General Election. To register, find your precinct, change your name or address, etc. go to: https://www.dallascountyvotes.org/ or https://www.votetexas.gov/register-to-vote/.
August 31-October 2
CBCF To Host The First-Ever All Digital Annual Legislative Conference. The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc announces it will deliver its annual Legislative Conference online later this year. The new format will allow “attendees” to experience the programming they have become accustomed to from the comfort and safety of their home. For more information: www.cbcfinc.org. will allow “attendees” to experience the program.
Until November 4th
Job Readiness Sessions & Hiring Events, 21st Century, with Inspiring Tomorrow’s Leaders, ZWHJCOC, Zan Wesley Holmes, Jr. Community Outreach Center. Via Zoom. Info contact: Jasmine Anderson at jasmine.anderson@zwhjcoc.org
State Fair of Norma’s. Enjoy all of your state fair favorites but with a twist! at Norma’s Café 8300 Gaylord Pkwy, Frisco. All 5 Norma’s Cafe are participating and open 8 am-8 pm daily.
September 13
Andrew’s World with host Andrew Whigham III on blogtalkradio.com 8 am-10 am. Tune in for thought-provoking, enlightening, informative, and entertaining news and commentary. Join the conversation at 646-200-0459 on Andrew’s World.
Carrollton Farmers Market. 10:00 am-1:00 pm. 2722 N. Josey Ln. Carrollton. Every Sunday.
Reggae Brunch Buffet, Host Hero’s Lounge, 3094 N. Stemmons Fwy. 11 am-3 pm. Tickets: Eventbrite.com. The all new Sunday Reggae Brunch!! All You Can Eat Caribbean Brunch Buffet.
A Message For You. I Messenger Media is continuing to provide thought-provoking, informative, enlightening and entertaining news, and commentary. 1 pm. Live on Facebook at TexasMetroNews and blogtalkradio.com
Rhythm and ReVERB Pull-Up Edition (Best Sunday Social Distancing Happy Hour) at Heroes Lounge 3094 N. Stemmons Fwy. 4:00 pm-6:00 pm. You will be able to enjoy the drumming and music from your car and order drinks and food from your vehicles. This is a unique opportunity to enjoy good vibes while practicing social distancing. Event will stream live on Instagram and Facebook. Verb_Kulture on Instagram and Verb Kulture Ent. on Facebook.
Tri-Cities Youth Works invite YOU to “Keep Your Digital Footprint Clean” from 6- 7:15 pm. Guest speaker, Knikole Taylor, the Instructional Technology Coordinator for Life School discusses online reputation, etiquette, and safety. Join via Zoom: https://bit.ly/3gqjMjw.
September 14
SCORE Dallas Business Symposium Webinar. 9:30 am-3:30 pm. Topics: Digital Marketing, Facebook branding, government contracting, Cash Flow Management, Nonprofits and Social Enterprise, Logos and Trademarks, Google Analytics, etc. To register, click here.
Makin’ Money Mondays hosted by Wealth Architect and Kirsten Elise Dunn. Need some financial wisdom? We got you covered. Our hosts Kirsten Elise Dunn, successful social entrepreneur and real estate investor, and Jack Waldron, Executive VP at Five Rings Financial. On Facebook Live @WealthArchitect. 11:15 am-11:45 am. FREE!
In the Middle with Ashley Moss, a Pointer Koch Fellow with I Messenger Media, LLC. Live on Facebook at TexasMetroNews and blogtalkradio.com at 11 am-1 pm. Questions? Call 646-200-0459.
Monday Night Politics: Virtual Political Forums. 6-8 pm. Forum features Congressional District 32 candidates, Colin Allred and challenger, Genevieve Collins; and District 33 candidates, Marc Veasey and challenger, Fabian Cordova Vasquez. To register: Send email to mnp@dallasexaminer.com with name, phone #, and organization, and a confirmation link will be sent.
Marvelous Marriage Mondays at Friendship-West Baptist Church 2020 W. Wheatland Rd. 7:00 pm-8 pm. Helping Marriages be More Marvellous! This is a ministry of the Covenant Keepers which is the Marriage Community of Friendship-West Baptist Church. Register online at https://friendshipwest.zoom.us/meeting/register/upcpcOmhqz4rqNU-lYrUaJHUISSKLziBMg
September 15

The Doc Shep Speaks Show! From 11 am-1 pm. Live on Facebook at TexasMetroNews and blogtalkradio.com. Join in on the conversation.
Virtual Job Readiness Skills Sessions 11:30 am-1:30 pm, hosted via Zoom. Free. Zan Holmes Community Outreach Center is the sponsor supported by Amazon, DISD, Oasis Center, and Inspiring Tomorrow’s Leaders. Learn how to complete job applications, resume writing, interviewing, dressing, etc. Amazon will also offer a monthly hiring event via Zoom. Contact: jasmine.anderson@zwhjcoc.org. Website: www.zwhjcoc.org.
DeSoto City Council Meeting, Host Councilwoman Candice Quarles, Online Event: http://desototexas.gov/ 5:30-10 pm.
Glenn Heights City Council Meeting, City Hall 1938 S. Hampton Rd. Glenn Heights 7:00 pm-9:30 pm.
September 16
“Financing Options for Your Business (Live Webinar) 9 am-noon. Cost: $10. Learn about lending options available for small businesses; how to overcome financial obstacles, and get your questions answered by a SCORE mentor or a rep from Veritex Bank. Contact: eventplanner.0022@scorevolunteer.org. To register, click here.

I Was Just Thinking with Norma Adams-Wade from 11 am-1 pm. Live on Facebook at TexasMetroNews and blogtalkradio.com. Call in and join the conversation at 646-200-0459.
Ask Dr. Amerson Radio Show at 11am CST with guest Editor-in-Chief Nicole D’Settemi, N.I.C. Publications & Co, who publishes five magazines and has featured Dr. Amerson on the cover. Tips on, hair care, scalp care, alopecia, our award-winning product line and more on DFWiRadio.com.
#NationBuilding w/ Michael Sorrell, at 12:30 pm. CT on Facebook & Twitter. Follow Paul Quinn College’s President, Michael Sorrell on all social media platforms. @MichaelSorrell on Twitter & Instagram and @MichaelJSorrell on Facebook.
Hollywood Live! With Michael “Hollywood” Hernandez and co-host Shavonda “With a V” Fields, hollywoodlive.com from 2 pm-4 pm.
Meet A Black Mental Health Professional: We Are Here, hosted by Dr, Tanisha Guy & Megan Pickens, LPC-S. 7 pm-9 pm. A two-hour event will introduce you to 20 Black mental health professionals. Register: Eventbite.com.
September 17
North Texas Giving Day
The Bare Truth with Allana J. Barefield. Live on Facebook at TexasMetroNews and blogtalkradio.com at 11 am-1 pm. Questions? Call 646-200-0459.
An Evening with ReKesha Pittman “Leadership, Life and Love Lessons” at Belle Décor Dallas, 2039 Farrington St. Dallas. 6:30-9 pm. Tickets: www.eventbrite.com/e/an-evening-with-rekesha-pittman-tickets-114985414470
SIP and Eat with LaShante‘ “The Lifestyle Chef.” LaShante Williams, Every Thursday at 7 pm CST on FB live and IG live and https://www.instagram.com/lashante_thelifestylechef/
Musicians In the Park. A series of Thursday night concerts at Klyde Warren Park, 2012 Woodall Rodgers Fwy. 7-8 pm. Also streaming on https://www.facebook.com/MusicPerformanceTrustFund/
Tri-Cities NAACP’s “Self-Care Management in Today’s Climate” at 7 pm. Featuring: Mr. Kevin Dedner, MPH, and Founder, CEO of Henry Health will discuss the effects of COVID-19 and health challenges in the black community. Join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.
SoulJazz Thursday Under The Stars feat. Natural Change at 813 Sandaga, 813 Exposition Ave 8:00 pm-12:00 am Bring your own lawn chairs and come enjoy the sounds of Natural Change under the stars. Food Truck, BBQ, Hookahs, and Cigars. Doors open at 8 pm. There is limited seating available. More info: visit www.sandaga813.com or email info@sandaga813.com.
September 18
9th Annual Dallas Hunger Summit (online) 10 am-11:30 am. Free. Malik Yakini, Director, Detroit Black Community Food Security Network, will discuss his organization’s effort to assure access to healthy, nutritious foods. Additional workshops will be Sept 25th and October 2nd. A Zoom link will be sent after your register. To register, click here.
From Marva with Love with Marva Sneed Live on Facebook at TexasMetroNews and blogtalkradio.com at 11 am-1 pm. Questions? Call 646-200-0459.
Friendship-West Presents Spiritual Care hosted by Be Made Whole Counseling Center. Fridays. Spiritual Care of our souls helps to encourage us through difficult times. 1:00 pm CDT via Zoom: Click the link below and make sure you enter the access code. https://zoom.us/j/8567036848? Access Code: 856 703 6848.
Infant Mortality Awareness Webinars. Morning and afternoon sessions held on all three dates. Sponsors: Dallas Health Start & Parkland. Contact: 214-590-1670. Register: https://bit.ly/32qQRH2
September 19
National UNCF Virtual Walk For Education. Supporting HBCUs and Students in need. Learn more at www.UNCF.org/NationalWalk. Join the UNCF Virtual Walk for Education. For more information or to register visit www.uncf.org/ntexaswalk
Mountain View Church Of Christ’s Free Groceries Drive-Thru: 7979 E. R.L. Thornton Fwy, 9 am-noon.
Prayer in the City. Online prayer meeting every 3rd Saturday 10:00 am. Register: www.Eventbrite.com they will send your info.
Essential Steps for African American Genealogy (Online) 10 am-5 pm. Tony Burroughs, CEO, Center for Black Genealogy, Chicago, will lead 4 virtual sessions titled The Seven Phases of African American Genealogy, Freedmen’s Bureau research, Why You Don’t Find Your Ancestors, and From Census to Slavery. Cost: $60-$80. Contact: info@dallasgenealogy.org. To register, click here.
Forward Dallas Neighborhoods Summit 10 am-2 pm. Free. Citizens are invited to a virtual summit to learn how to get involved in the Forward Dallas-Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update, which outlines the way land is planned and used throughout the city. Contact: 214-671-8900. Register: https://forwarddallassummit2020.eventbrite.com
A Message For You, “The Stimulus Show” Live on Facebook at TexasMetroNews and blogtalkradio.com at 11 am-1 pm. Questions? Call 646-200-0459.
Virtual Latin Heritage Festival. Featuring: Havana NRG at 7-8 pm. Virtual: Facebook @DESOTOREC, IG @DESOTOARD.