By Letters to the Editor
Step up for Democrats
Re: “3 keys from Dem meeting,” by Gromer Jeffers Jr., Monday Metro & Business column.
You are right on, Mr. Jeffers, we need state and national elected officials to step up and support every Democratic candidate in Texas. We need to listen to former state Sen. Wendy Davis, who spoke at the Lady Bird Johnson breakfast on Sunday. “We [Democrats] have just been too damn nice,” she said.
We need to fight against the far-right GOP leaders who have restricted women’s rights, made it harder for people to vote and spent billions of taxpayer dollars at the border to keep immigrants out of the U.S. or bus them to Washington, D.C.
We have a lot of issues in Texas, like our flawed foster care program. While Gov. Greg Abbott has earmarked about $4 billion for border security, we have failed to find adequate space for children in the care of Child Protective Services.
The same leaders who have fought so hard to protect the unborn child have failed to care for the children already living here. That money would be better spent caring for children and providing improved living conditions for those forced into state care.
I heard state Rep. Julie Johnson speak at the convention and she challenged us to get people registered and to the polls to vote. There are less than four months till Election Day. Act now. Register to vote for change!
Kay L. Viney, Addison
Fight inflation
Re: “Fed can’t fight inflation alone — Recession isn’t inevitable, but Congress and White House should pitch in and face fiscal realities,” Monday editorial.
Good to know that The Dallas Morning News understands that the major cause of inflation is reckless spending by the federal government and that the Fed can’t solve the problem alone.
There are three ways to fight inflation. One is to raise interest rates. Another is to cut federal spending. Lastly, you can increase production by removing government regulation and creating optimism in the business community.
The last part was done by the Trump administration with considerable success. Former President Donald Trump created a booming economy with minimal inflation. It was killed quickly by the Biden administration. We need all three approaches.
Mac Smith, Dallas
Protect freedom of expression
I am very concerned about the state of free speech in this country. Free speech is a fundamental right in the U.S., yet this right is being trampled on by both sides of the aisle. When only one side is allowed to share their perspective, the entirety of our freedom is not protected. Our First Amendment right is innately threatened when only mainstream opinions are voiced.
I disagree with the views of many of my peers and politicians all the time. In fact, I find some of their comments and language reprehensible and offensive. Even so, I believe in protecting and allowing free speech. Their right to speak freely is more important than the fact that I disagree with their opinions.
We must do everything in our power to protect our freedom of expression, whether we agree with a particular position or not.
Galen Raper, Winnsboro
Treat everyone equally
My congresswoman, Beth Van Duyne, voted against the Respect for Marriage Act, and my two senators, Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, have indicated they will not support legislation to protect members of the LGBTQ community and allow them to marry and build a future with the one they love.
Why can’t these elected representatives contemplate that their constituents have gay children? Do they ever consider that each gay child has parents, siblings and other relatives who take this issue personally? We take it seriously when their votes are an indictment and mistreatment of our relatives.
Treating everyone equally under the law would be how I would want to be remembered as an elected official.
Steve Richardson, Plano
Take climate stance, candidates
Hot summer months are nothing new to Texans. However, our power grid was not fully prepared for the record heat and energy demand witnessed these past 20 days across the state. My family and I experienced firsthand the effects when our air conditioning went out and we were forced to sleep in our van for three days as the temperature in our home reached 93 degrees. We weren’t the only ones — our neighbors faced similar issues. These intense, prolonged temperatures will soon become our new normal.
As Texas’ population continues to increase and as climate change intensifies, leading to hotter summers and winter extremes like the Big Freeze, our already fragile energy grid will continue to be pushed to the limits.
In light of the upcoming November midterm elections, I would like The Dallas Morning News to report on the climate positions of candidates, especially those in the 3rd Congressional District in Texas. I also hope to see how these future policymakers plan on holding ERCOT accountable as it plans for the impact of extreme weather conditions brought about by climate change.
Isabella Rivera Efimov, McKinney
Texas ignores prison problems
Re: “Cool Texas Prisons to 88 Degrees — It’s inhumane to let inmates face dangerous summer heat without relief,” Wednesday editorial. Texas legislators have long ignored changes in regard to our criminal justice system. Air conditioning in our prisons is just one of many problems. Perhaps not being a state that takes pride in such a high number of incarcerated persons would provide more funds to provide humane conditions. It seems to me that Texas legislators take more pride in punishment than rehabilitation, which in the long run is more costly to taxpayers.
Beverly Thomas, Carrollton