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COVID-19 News

Thanking DeSoto’s COVID-19 Front-Line Heroes

Staff Reports

You’ve seen them popping up around the country. Beautiful white ribbons posted in front of locations where first responders, medical professionals, and frontline workers in the fight against COVID-19 carry out their missions of mercy. And now they’re in DeSoto! The first person to alert DeSoto City Hall to this great way to say “thank you” to those who are taking daily risks to keep us safe was Mayor Curtistene McCowan.

Late last week, Mayor McCowan followed-up on her suggestion, armed with white ribbons and various craft supplies. Her first stops were some of our first responder sites including firehouses and DeSoto Police Headquarters.

“We’re tying ribbons just to show support for those who are on the front lines and we’re going to be doing this all over our city at special locations and we want the entire city of DeSoto to join us in this effort, myself and the City Council, and all of our citizens to show just how much we sincerely appreciate those of you who are serving and representing us,” said Mayor McCowan, from in front of DeSoto Police Headquarters on Beltline.

“You’re taking care of us to make sure that we are safe. And so I’m going to get my mask back on and get back to work tying ribbons. God bless you and may God bless the All-America City of DeSoto, Texas!” One of the dedicated city workers enlisted to help guide this mission of thanks is Kathy Jones, DeSoto’s Community Relations Manager.


Jones said, “It’s an honor to be involved with this effort to tell our first responders, medical professionals, and everyone taking risks on our behalf that we really appreciate them.” Mayor McCowan said that DeSoto’s firehouses, Police HQ, and City Hall have already received their white ribbons and that additional facilities and medical provider locations are next. She also wants to encourage all DeSoto residents to post a white ribbon in front of their own homes as a way to say thanks to those who are putting it on the line for us.

To view a video Mayor McCowan’s visit to DeSoto Police HQ visit: https://

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