Join NOT MY SON, a grassroots Black Women-led non-profit for an outdoor community-based event to celebrate the Grand Opening /Ribbon Cutting of what will now be their Dallas Headquarters.
After the senseless and cruel death of an unarmed Black man, George Floyd, in 2020 in Minneapolis, MN there was a call for greater police accountability and Not My Son was formed and established to bring attention to the ingrained racism in America and closer to home in Dallas, TX. Not My Son caters to one of the most impoverished areas in Dallas.
The new headquarters will serve as a center for Crisis Management for volunteers to gather when devastation befalls our city and surrounding counties. This facility will also include a training center, meeting rooms, host political forums/debates, community meetups, environmental clean-ups, and youth geared events.
Tramonica Brown, Founder, and Executive Director said, “It is not by accident, consequence, or chance that the headquarters is in South Dallas. The heart of South Dallas. It’s vision is to create a place for the social and civic hearts to educate, inform, and advocate for the people with whom we will serve, work with, and fight for.”
The public is invited to attend the Celebration at 4500 Malcolm X Blvd, Dallas Texas 75215 on April 16, 2022, at 3 pm. There will be food, entertainment, give-a-ways, and opportunities to volunteer and donate.
For more information, contact Erika Battie, CEO/Executive Director, at 214- 527-4152 or email notmysondallas@ gmail.com