At the second of four town hall meetings to discuss and receive public feedback on the City’s Racial Equity Audit Report, Dallas City Councilman Casey Thomas, II stressed the importance of community involvement and urged citizens to pay attention to information about the housing crisis. According to Thomas, the meetings were scheduled to explain the Comprehensive Housing Policy (CHP); which is the primary tool for addressing the local affordable housing crisis and CHP wants to create a vision statement articulating how the affordable housing playing field will be leveled for all racial groups and across the North/South Divide.
The report cites the percentage of Dallas households with housing problems: White 29.9%, Latinx 53.9%, and African American 48.3%. Also, 65% of Black and Brown people live in Southern Dallas; which is more residents than the entire population of Seattle or Washington, DC and those residents only own 10% of the assessed property value in the city.
The next two meetings will be at City Hall, 1500 Marilla St., Dallas, TX 75201 or via WebEx. Wednesday, Jan 19. 2022 at 6 p.m. – Council Chambers / bit.ly/racialequitythjan19 and Thursday, Jan 20, 2022 at 6 p.m. – L1 Auditorium / bit.ly/racialequitythjan20
For the full Dallas Equity Indicators Report –https://dallascityhall.com/departments/pnv/dallas-equity-indicators/DCH%20Documents/equity-indicators-booklet-2019.pdf.