A proud alum of Bishop College where she was a business/marketing major and was initiated into the Delta Omega Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Dawn Blair grew up in Sunny South Dallas.

Dawn Blair attended Bishop Lynch High School and Business and Management Center. Dawn is a real estate manager for the City of Dallas. When she ran for Dallas City Council, the Dallas Morning News referred to her strong leadership skills. She grew up in South Dallas. A board member of Dodd Education and Support, Dawn has volunteered w/EK Bailey Ministries, working on economic development initiatives and conference planning/execution; Make-A-Difference Day, providing service to the community at large, including lunch for nurses in the neonatal unit; thank you gift bags to nurses/nurses aid at local nursing homes; hosted baby showers for teenage mothers; various acts of kindness to the community (i.e. water on hot summer days, gift cards for gas/groceries).