By Bilal Morris

The court agreed with the argument from the defense that the prosecution did not prove Noor acted “without regard for human life.” They also didn’t provide enough evidence to support Noor was targeting Justine Damond.
Damond called 911 to report a possible rape in her neighborhood. She believed she heard a woman being assaulted in an ally behind her home. Noor, who was one of the officers responding to the call, thought Damond was armed and in range of his partner. According to his partner’s testimony, Noor shot the woman after she approached their squad car in the ally while the officers were looking for clues and evidence of the reported rape.
After refusing to talk to investigators, he was fired from the Minneapolis Police, then later charged with second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. On April 30th, 2019 a jury would convict Noor of third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter, but find him not guilty of second-degree murder. On June 7, 2019, he was sentenced to 12 1/2 years in prison.
Noor will be re-sentenced for second-degree manslaughter and hopes to receive between 41 months to 57 months in prison. The Somali immigrant has been behind bars since he was convicted on April 30th, 2019. Depending on his re-sentencing hearing and time served, Noor could potentially be a free year man by late this year.
Just days after his conviction, the city of Minneapolis paid Justine Ruszczyk Damond’s family $20 million to settle their civil rights suit. It was the largest settlement in the city’s history until the death of George Floyd.
Since Damond was a dual citizen of the United States and Australia, her death sparked outrage in both countries. Mohamed Noor also had tons of support from the Somalian American community. Many of them protested and demanded that he receive a fair trial. The tragic incident ruined may lives and the former officer said he regret what he did.
Noor said during the trial, if he knew any of this would have happened, he would have never become a cop.