By Amore
Texas Metro News

Despite efforts of 57 of 67 Texas Democrats who went to the nations’ capital to plead their case against restrictive voter legislation, this week Texas Senate and House Republicans overwhelmingly voted along party lines to pass what has been called “one of the most restrictive voting bills since the Jim Crow era.”
Since that anti-voter bill, S.B. 1, has passed both chambers it will now head to Gov. Greg Abbott’s desk, where it is sure to be signed and will then go into effect 90 days later, just in time for the midterm primary election.
Following the passage of the bill in the House, Rep. Rhetta Bowers, who chairs the Dallas Delegation, said it was “a sad day for Texas and a low moment in the house.”
Bowers was one of the Democrats who flew to Washington where she said there were long meetings and a lot of discussions about the impact S.B. 1 would have on a state that was already embroiled in numerous lawsuits because of its restrictive laws, that will become even more restrictive.
She was quick to note, that while the Governor, after two special sessions, got what he wanted, but Democrats were able to use procedural tools so they could buy time to lobby and have the entire country focusing on Texas.

“It was the right thing to do,” she continued, as she discussed keeping the House from having a quorum to conduct business. “I will forever be proud. We had no other choice.
Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa was not happy with the outcome.
“Today, Texas Republicans con- firmed there is only one major political party in this state that respects the basic tenets of democracy and its foundation: the freedom to vote. And while Democrats have fought hard to protect Texans’ right to vote, Texas Re- publicans are committed to staying in power at any cost — even at the expense of our democracy,” he said.
“With S.B. 1, the GOP has only one goal: to keep Republicans in power by limiting Texans’ voting access. This bill has always been about Republicans silencing the voices of millions of Texans be- cause they cannot win any other way. This is a racist, anti-democracy bill that will cement Texas’s position as the hardest state in the country to vote in.”
Stressing the importance of passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, Hinojosa called for federal legislation to “preserve democracy and voting rights in Texas and around the country.”